Capt. Yaron Karmi Co-Owner Captain, tell us about when DSS was established in Israel? Who owns the company today? Where

Capt. Yaron Karmi Co-Owner Captain, tell us about when DSS was established in Israel? Who owns the company today? Where
Mr. Eric MailuOwner Who owns your company Skyline Logistics, and when did you establish the company in Kenya? I am
Mr. Dwayne Caruana Senior Logistics Manager Dwayne, tell us first of all about your background. Where did you work before,
Mr. Bas de Vaal Managing director Tell me about how you actually ended up in Ghana? You seem to have
Mr. Henry Hu General Manager Henry, first of all, tell us about your career in projects and freight forwarding. When
Mr. Federico Bartoli CEO Tell us about the main business of Titan Project in Italy? Titan covers 360 degrees, any
Interview with Mr. Kasra Ferasat Marketing Director Kasra, when was American Export Lines established and what is the company’s main
Mr. Louis Perrin Director First off kindly tell us a bit about the history of Hemisphere, when did you establish
Mr. Christopher Taylor Pollmann Executive Vice President Tell us a bit about your company history in Chile. How many years
Mr. Arnaldo Cassettari General Manager When did you start up your company Arnaldo? How about your background in shipping, when
Mr. Pankaj Sharma President Tell us when you started your company and who owns it today? Where do you have
Ms. Dorita de BolañosCommercial Director When was your company established, Dorita? Who are the owners today and what is your