In this edition: The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) – Copenhagen | Shipping News | Featured Video, Photo >>> Week #12 |

Project Cargo Weekly (PCW) is an e-newsletter for the project shipping and forwarding industry. PCW publishes in-depth and exclusive interviews weekly, each issue also features an editorial as well as shipping news, sector news, featured photos, videos and wise words of the week.
In this edition: The Maritime Anti-Corruption Network (MACN) – Copenhagen | Shipping News | Featured Video, Photo >>> Week #12 |
Ms. Cecilia Müller Torbrand Program Director First of all tell us when your network was established, who initiated it and
In this edition: Ultrabulk AS – Copenhagen, Denmark | Transmil S.A. – Spain | Andina Freight SAC – Lima, Peru
Ms. Saskia Hochstein Head of Parcel Service Who are the owners of Ultrabulk? Tell us about your history, when was
Mr. Asier Lizeaga CEO You are located in Spain with both Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines. Can you introduce our readers
Mr. Renatto Castro Project Manager Tell us when Andina Freight was established in Peru and who are the current owners
In this edition: Bahri’s India Service | ISS Palumbo – Rotterdam, the Netherlands | ITN Logistics – Canada >>> Week
Interview with Capt. Jiten Bhosale Country Manager Bahri is a reputable Ro/Ro carrier with roots in the Middle East &
Mr. Jan-Hein DisselVice President Global Tell us a bit about the history of ISS-Palumbo to the naked eye the name
Mr. Patrik Berglund CEO What is Xeneta? Xeneta is the leading ocean freight rate benchmarking and market intelligence platform. Who
In this edition: Xeneta – Oslo, Norway | TransOcean Shipping – Vienna, Austria >>> Week #09 | 1st March 2018 Dear
Mr. Peter Czajkowski Managing Director What year did you establish your company, Peter? Are you a shipping agent, freight forwarder